James Kuchar and Grant Stokes elected as 2022 AIAA Fellows

Two Lincoln Laboratory staff members have been named 2022 Fellows of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). James Kuchar, assistant head of the Homeland Protection and Air Traffic Control Division, and Grant Stokes, head of the Space Systems and Technology Division, are among this year's class of Fellows. AIAA confers this distinction upon individuals in recognition of their notable and valuable contributions to the arts, sciences, or technology of aeronautics and astronautics.
Kuchar joined the Laboratory in 2003 and was promoted to lead the Air Traffic Control Systems Group in 2010, before becoming assistant head of his current division. Throughout his career, he has contributed to and led a number of efforts in air traffic control and other transportation-related systems. Kuchar was elected an AIAA Fellow for his work in combining machine learning and human-systems integration for use in aviation safety and decision support systems.
"The elevation provides recognition of not me personally but of the body of work at the Laboratory that I have had the good fortune of contributing to and helping to lead over the last 15 years," Kuchar says. "I am very honored by the recognition that this represents, and am extremely grateful for all of the support I have received over the years from many mentors and friends."
Stokes is responsible for the Laboratory's programs in space security. He previously served on the Scientific Advisory Board for the U.S. Air Force, is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, and is also a Fellow with the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers. He was elected an AAIA Fellow for "his role as the system innovator, architect, and leader of the development team of advanced systems for space surveillance and situation awareness," which have led to "significant new capabilities for the nation," Stokes says.
"The Laboratory has provided me opportunities to help develop a number of amazing projects working closely with incredibly capable colleagues," Stokes says. "I consider my election a great honor, and would like to thank my many Lincoln Laboratory colleagues that have helped make this possible."
AIAA President Basil Hassan remarked that this year's class of Fellows are "among the best minds in the aerospace profession. I commend each member of this year’s Class on their incredible accomplishments worthy of this recognition. This distinguished set of individuals has earned the respect and gratitude of the aerospace community. We are in awe of their creativity and valued contributions to better understanding our universe."