A qubit consists of a superconducting loop with magnetic flux tunneling elements, facilitating improved control over magnetic fields for quantum computations.

Quantum computing is a rapidly developing field that leverages the principles of quantum mechanics for computation. However, controlling quantum systems, particularly qubits, is a significant challenge. The need arises for robust, controllable qubits that can enhance computational capabilities and overcome the decoherence issue that plagues traditional quantum computers. Current qubit designs, while successful to varying degrees, often struggle to provide precise control without introducing unwanted computational errors, or noise. These designs also typically fall short when it comes to scalability and stability. Thus, there exists a need for a new qubit design that readily facilitates precise control and high-level computational operations.

Technology Description

This technological advancement describes a qubit composed of a superconducting loop divided by several magnetic flux tunneling elements. These tunneling elements include DC SQUIDs (direct current superconducting quantum interference devices) that create superconducting islands spaced between them. By magnetically tuning each element, a significant tunneling amplitude is achieved, forming an effective transverse magnetic moment. Furthermore, the electrical polarization charge of each island is fine-tuned to invoke destructive interference, thus nullifying the transverse field. This qubit model is differentiated by its potential to resume tunneling with substantial amplitude when the charge is biased away from its initial settings. This property allows for maximum control in quantum computations. A third tunneling path, such as a Josephson junction, can be introduced to create two independent islands. This configuration facilitates the fine-tuning and independent management of two distinct (X and Y) transverse fields, which poses a significant advantage for quantum computing applications.


  • Higher control precision for mitigating error probabilities
  • Greater scalability for facilitating larger quantum systems
  • Better computational efficiency because of large tunneling amplitude
  • Increased qubit stability, combating decoherence issues

Potential Use Cases

  • Implementation in quantum computers for complex computations like cryptography and large database management
  • Advancement in drug discovery and molecular modeling by quantum simulations
  • Optimization solutions in logistics and supply chains
  • Breakthroughs in machine learning and artificial intelligence
  • Forecasting and predictive analysis in financial sectors