Microwave resonator readout provides high-fidelity measurement of spin defect center ensembles, surpassing the effectiveness of optical readouts in terms of visibility, noise reduction, sensitivity, and signal-to-noise ratio.

Quantum systems, especially ones based on spin defect centers, are key elements of high-performance sensors and quantum information technologies. However, the measurement of these systems is often plagued by limitations, such as low visibility and sensitivity, as well as noise interference. Current measurement techniques, such as fluorescence detection, seldomly produce satisfactory results because of their inherent inefficiencies and limitations. Fluorescence measurement, one of the prevalent techniques, suffers from poor fidelity and is hindered by shot noise, which is detrimental to high-precision readouts. Its shortcomings also include a lack of sensitivity and low signal-to-noise ratio that often cause inaccuracies in measuring the subtle shifts in spin defect center resonances caused by physical parameters. These issues have necessitated the need for a more superior technology.

Technology Description

The microwave resonator readout is a high-performance measurement technology aimed at analyzing the interaction between a spin defect center ensemble and a microwave resonator. This method employs microwave photons to probe a microwave resonator that is connected to a spin defect center ensemble affected by a physical parameter to be measured. Notably, this physical parameter modifies the spin defect centers' resonances, which subsequently influences the dispersion and/or absorption of the microwave resonator. The groundbreaking feature of this technology is its superior visibility, reduced shot noise, enhanced sensitivity and higher signal-to-noise ratio compared to conventional fluorescence measurement. The readout technology allows for a more clear, concise, and accurate capture of data, effectively increasing the fidelity of the results. Additionally, the microwave resonator readout technology permits coherent averaging of spin defect center ensembles and is adaptable to spin systems beyond nitrogen vacancies in diamonds.


  • Offers significantly higher measurement fidelity compared to the fluorescence method
  • Provides better visibility and higher sensitivity hinting at superior data quality
  • Helps to reduce shot noise, enhancing the precision of measurements
  • Produces a higher signal-to-noise ratio, allowing for cleaner, clearer data
  • Is compatible with many different types of spin systems, enhancing its versatility

Potential Use Cases

  • Useful in quantum information technologies for obtaining high-fidelity readings of spin systems
  • Practicable for high-performance sensors requiring precise measurements
  • Applicable in scientific research processes requiring measurement of physical parameters
  • Suitable for industries that require monitoring of changes in physical properties
  • Applicable in quantum computing advancements for fine-tuning of quantum bits (qubits)