A solid-state waveguide coupler connects two waveguides on a substrate; it has a tapered coupling span that assists in transferring signals between different waveguide heights and widths.

A waveguide is a structure that guides waves, such as electromagnetic waves or sound waves. In telecommunications and physics, waveguides are crucial in routing RF energy from one point to another. However, issues arise when trying to connect waveguides of differing dimensions because signal loss can occur from the mismatch. The current challenge of waveguide integration lies in the loss of signal when trying to transfer between waveguides of varying dimensions. This loss is due to the abrupt changes in waveguide dimension, causing reflections that result in signal loss. Thus, there is a demand for a solution to create a smoother transition between differing waveguides.

Technology Description

The technology is a solid-state waveguide coupler that exists on a solid material substrate. It connects to the first and second waveguides located on the substrate, providing a coupling span between them. Crucially, this coupling span comprises a waveguide material layer on the substrate that tapers between the first and second waveguide's heights and widths, including curved sidewalls for at least a portion of the span. Significantly, this design accounts for variations in dimensions between the waveguides. What sets this technology apart is its ability to handle variances in the heights and widths of different waveguides. By using a tapered coupling span and curved sidewalls, this coupler allows for a smoother signal transition between the first and second waveguides, reducing signal losses. In addition, the fabrication method uses isotropic removal of waveguide material to produce tapered surfaces, ensuring a precise and flexible design that can adapt to different waveguide scenarios.


  • Reduces signal losses due to smoother transition between waveguides
  • Adapts to variances in the heights and widths of different waveguides
  • Improves performance and reliability in systems involving waveguide connections
  • Achieves its flexible design through isotropic removal fabrication method

Potential Use Cases

  • Telecommunications infrastructure for efficient routing of RF signals
  • High-speed data centers requiring reliable signal transition
  • Microwave communication systems involving waveguide connections
  • Quantum computing architectures requiring waveguides of differing dimensions
  • Space-based communication systems requiring efficient waveguide coupling