The Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer (FLC) is a nationwide network of more than 300 federal laboratories, agencies, and research centers that promotes the transfer of federally developed technologies into the commercial market. Lincoln Laboratory is a longstanding member of the FLC.

In 2024, our Technology Ventures Office organized a five-part webinar series for the FLC Lab Showcase, highlighting the unique capabilities of five Lincoln Laboratory facilities accessible to external users through test agreements. Technical staff provided an in-depth look at how the Laboratory’s cutting-edge infrastructure and expertise in autonomous systems, microelectronics, radio-frequency systems, laser communications, and virtual environments can support groundbreaking research and technology development for government, industry, and academic collaborators. The recorded webinars are available below, courtesy of the FLC.

Contact the Technology Ventures Office to inquire about partnership opportunities.

Autonomous Systems Development Facility

Autonomous Systems Development Facility title card
See how you can bring autonomy to life for all kinds of autonomous systems prototypes — whether designed to operate on the ground, in the air, or underwater.

Radio-Frequency Systems Test Facility

RF Systems Title Card
Discover how this rapid prototyping environment can help you ensure your radio-frequency systems will work in the field as intended for your surface, airborne, and space applications.

Optical Terminal Verification Testbed

OTVT Title card
Find out how you can test your laser communications terminals against emerging interoperability standards.

Sensorimotor Technology Realization in Immersive Virtual Environments (STRIVE) Center

STRIVE Center title card
Explore how you can customize your human subjects research and testing protocols in 3D immersive virtual environments equipped with state-of-the-art sensors.

Microelectronics Laboratory

Microsystems Prototyping Foundry title slide
Learn how the one of the U.S. government’s most advanced foundries can enable you to drive innovations in microelectronics that will power the future of technology.

Test Agreements

If you are ready to test or validate your technology but are unable to access test facilities in the private sector, consider entering into an MIT Lincoln Laboratory test agreement that will allow your technology to be tested in the Laboratory's state-of-the-art facilities.