
AI Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination Laboratory
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination (PED) Laboratory is a software integration facility in which researchers can apply machine learning to the automation of processes that transform raw data into usable information.

Air Traffic Control Automation & Aviation Weather Decision Support Laboratories
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Lincoln Laboratory staff use the Air Traffic Control (ATC) Automation and Aviation Weather Decision Support Laboratories to test prototype systems for air traffic control and to collect weather data that will help inform improvements to flight safety.

Autonomous Systems Development Facility
Hanscom Air Force Base, Bedford, Massachusetts
The ASDF provides a space for various programs across the Laboratory to test prototype autonomous systems.

Beaver Works Center
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
The Beaver Works Center supports project-based educational experiences that tap into the expertise and strengths of Lincoln Laboratory and the MIT School of Engineering.

Biological and Chemical Laboratories
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
A variety of Biosafety Level 2 laboratories support biological and chemical research and development at Lincoln Laboratory.

Biophotonic, Electric, Acoustic, and Magnetic Measurement Laboratory
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
The BEAMM Lab allows staff to study biological tissue and its interactions with energy and technology.

Colorado Springs Field Site
Colorado Springs, Colorado
The Colorado Springs Field Site is located within a hub of the nation's space defense operations.

Defense Fabric Discovery Center
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
The DFDC houses technology to develop advanced fibers and fabrics for defense applications.

Electronic-Photonic Integration Facility
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
The state-of-the-art facility supports the development of optoelectronic components, photonic integrated circuits, CMOS electronic integrated circuits, and hybrid electronic-photonic integration techniques.

Environmental Test Laboratory
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
In the Environmental Test Laboratory, Laboratory staff can test the operability and durability of prototype systems by placing these systems in simulated environments.