M. David Conway

As a senior staff member in the RF Technology Group, David Conway architects and leads the development of advanced active electronically scanned phased arrays (AESAs). These arrays employ a low-cost paned-based topology that was pioneered at the Laboratory. Developed arrays span S-band through V-band (75 GHz), employ advanced solid-state circuit designs in GaN, GaAs, and SiGe, incorporate novel thermal management techniques, and exploit complex printed-circuit-board materials and fabrication techniques to maximize AESA capability.
Prior to joining the Laboratory, Conway worked in industry from 1984 through 2010. From 1984 through 1989, he worked at Hughes Aircraft on the analysis, design, and development of passive phased array systems. From 1989 through 2000, he worked at ITT Industries on the design, test, and assembly of the first generation of transmit/receive modules for active arrays. From 2000 to 2010, he worked at a GaAs foundry that was by turns part of MACOM, Tyco, and Cobham. Roles at the foundry included monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) designer, MMIC test manager, and technical lead on the development of a MMIC product line.
Conway holds BS and MS degrees in electrical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of Southern California, respectively. He has published more than 15 technical journal and conference papers and is an inventor listed on one patent.