Air Traffic Control Leadership
Jennifer A. Watson
TITLE: Division Head, Air Traffic Control
EMAIL: [email protected]
Jennifer A. Watson is head of the Homeland Protection and Air Traffic Control Division at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. Her responsibilities include overseeing research and development for key mission areas including homeland security, transportation safety and efficiency, and energy systems and architectures for national security.
James K. Kuchar
TITLE: Assistant Division Head, Air Traffic Control
EMAIL: [email protected]
James K. Kuchar is an assistant head of the Homeland Protection and Air Traffic Control Division at MIT Lincoln Laboratory, focusing on integrated sensing and decision-support systems for aviation safety and efficiency. His current responsibilities include management of the group’s programs in weather systems, algorithms, analysis, and operational testing and integration.
Jonathan D. Pitts
TITLE: Assistant Division Head, Homeland Protection
EMAIL: [email protected]
Jonathan D. Pitts is an assistant head of the Homeland Protection and Air Traffic Control Division. In this role, Pitts is focused on developing and deploying architectures, technologies, and systems to improve homeland and global security. These efforts include research in air defense, climate change resiliency, and novel capabilities for law enforcement, intelligence, and special operations communities.
Christopher A.D. Roeser
TITLE: Assistant Division Head, Air Traffic Control
EMAIL: [email protected]
Christopher A.D. Roeser is an assistant head of the Homeland Protection and Air Traffic Control Division at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. In this role, he oversees a broad portfolio of homeland protection technology development and transition activities that includes homeland air defense, customs and border surveillance, information operations, critical infrastructure, and energy.
Marilyn M. Wolfson
TITLE: Laboratory Fellow, Air Traffic Control and Weather Systems Group
EMAIL: [email protected]
Marilyn M. Wolfson is a Lincoln Laboratory fellow in the Air Traffic Control and Weather Systems Group at MIT Lincoln Laboratory, directing their weather research efforts. Wolfson joined the Laboratory in 1983. In 1996, as the leader of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Aviation Weather Research Program's Convective Weather Product Development Team, she began development of automated short-term convective weather forecasts for air-traffic management applications.
Tom G. Reynolds
TITLE: Group Leader, Air Traffic Control and Weather Systems Group
EMAIL: [email protected]
Tom G. Reynolds is the leader of the Air Traffic Control and Weather Systems Group at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. Reynolds leads programs that are developing advanced air traffic management decision support tools and aircraft operations improvements to mitigate environmental impacts. Examples include tools to safely and efficiently integrate commercial space operations into the national airspace system, airport surface congestion management techniques, and optimized profile descent procedures.
Wesley A. Olson
TITLE: Group Leader, Transportation Safety and Resilience Group
EMAIL: [email protected]
Wesley A. Olson is the leader of the Transportation Safety and Resilience Group at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. The group develops surveillance and decision support architectures and technologies to enable future transportation systems. In his role, Olson leads the development of technologies to improve aviation safety.