Assessment of the delay aversion benefits of the Airport Surveillence Radar (ASR) Weather Systems Processor (WSP)
July 2, 1996
Project Report
Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-249
R&D Area:
R&D Group:
The Weather Systems Processor (WSP) modification to existing Airport Surveillance Radars (ASR-9) significantly enhances the functionality of the radar with respect to hazardous weather detection and tracking. Dedicated alphanumeric and color graphic displays alert controllers to hazardous wind shear conditions on the runways or final approach/initial departure flight corridors, show current location and anticipated movement of thunderstorm cells, and provide short-term forecasts of operationally significant wind shifts. Operational tests of a prototype WSP and related terminal area hazardous weather detection systems (the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) and the Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS)) have shown that, in addition to reducing the risk of aircraft accidents associated with wind shear encounters on landing or takeoff, the information provided by these systems is a significant aid in terminal air traffic management during adverse weather. The resulting efficiency enhancements reduce delay and associated costs. This report assesses the magnitude of the delay aversion benefits that will be realized through national deployment of the WSP. These are quantified both in terms of aircraft delay-hour reductions and corresponding dollar benefits. The analysis indicates that these benefits will total approximately $18M per year given year 2000 expected traffic counts at the 34 planned WSP airports. This exceeds, in equivalent dollar value, the safety benefits realized through WSP deployment by a factor of approximately five.