Cluster Computing for Embedded/Real-Time Systems
January 1, 2000
Book Chapter
Published in:
Cluster Computing White Paper
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Cluster computing is not a new area of computing. It is, however, evident that there is agrowing interest in its usage in all areas where applications have traditionally used parallelor distributed computing platforms. The mounting interest has been fuelled in part by theavailability of powerful microprocessors and high-speed networks as off-the-shelf commoditycomponents as well as in part by the rapidly maturing software components available tosupport high performance and high availability applications.This rising interest in clusters led to the formation of an IEEE Computer Society Task Forceon Cluster Computing (TFCC1) in early 1999. An objective of the TFCC was to act both as amagnet and a focal point for all cluster computing related activities. As such, an earlyactivity that was deemed necessary was to produce a White Paper on cluster computing andits related technologies.Generally a White Paper is looked upon as a statement of policy on a particular subject. Theaim of this White Paper is to provide a relatively unbiased report on the existing, new andemerging technologies as well as the surrounding infrastructure deemed important to thecluster computing community. This White Paper is essentially a snapshot of cluster-relatedtechnologies and applications in year 2000.This White Paper provides an authoritative review of all the hardware and softwaretechnologies that can be used to make up a cluster now or in the near future. Thesetechnologies range from the network level, through the operating system and middlewarelevels up to the application and tools level. The White Paper also tackles the increasinglyimportant areas of High Availability and Embedded/Real Time applications, which are bothconsidered crucial areas for future clusters.The White Paper has been broken down into twelve chapters, each of which has been puttogether by academics and industrial researchers who are both experts in their fields andwhere willing to volunteer their time and effort to put together this White Paper.On a personal note, I would like to thank all the contributing authors for finding the time toput the effort into their chapters and making the overall paper an excellent state-of-the-artreview of clusters. In addition, I would like to thank the reviewers for their timely comments.