A comparison of PAM-II and FLOWS mesonet data during COHMEX
December 23, 1987
Project Report
Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-154
R&D Area:
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Surface weather stations are being used in the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar program to assess the radar detectibility of wind shear and to help gain an understanding of microburst forcing mechanisms. During 1986, surface station networks operated by Lincoln Laboratory (FLOWS) and the National Center for Atmonspheric Research (PAM-II) were deployed in the Huntsville, AL area. A preliminary assessment of the overall performance of PAM-II and FLOWS networks suggests that they performed with comparable accuracy for those meterological characteristics most important to the detection of microbursts. While differences and discrepancies were noted, especially in the network total precipitation amounts, none would preclude treating PAM-II and FLOWS data together as if they were generated by a single network. We condlcue that the data can be directly combined for microburst detection analyses.