DABS uplink coding
July 25, 1975
Project Report
Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-49
R&D Area:
R&D Group:
This report details the coding techniques incorporated into the DABS uplink design. Justification is given for the error control method selected in terms of the link characteristics and design constraints. Performance results, including extensive evaluation by simulation and bench test, are presented for the selected code. A binary shortened cyclic code having 24 redundant bits was selected. The overhead due to the code redundancy is minimized by a scheme in which the parity check bits are overlayed on the discrete address field in the encoded message. This code is shown to have the capability of protecting a DABS transponder from accepting an erroneous uplink message with an error probability of less than 10 to the -7 power in a severe interference environment. This same code will be used in the DABS downlink in a burst erasure correction mode. Results of the analysis of the downlink will appear in a separate report.