Evaluation of potential NEXRAD dual polarization products
September 4, 2007
Project Report
Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-336
R&D Area:
R&D Group:
The NEXRAD program will begin fielding a dual polarization capability in 2009. Three additional base data parameters and two additional derived parameters from the dual polarization capability will be produced to complement the traditional three radar moments. The initial use of the added data is to provide a dual-polarization-based quantitative precipitation estimate (QPE) algorithm. Other NEXRAD algorithms will have access to the new dual polarization parameters as well as the derived products. The National Severe Storms Laboratory coordinated a dual polarization product evaluation to solicit NEXRAD agency participant feedback regarding potential dual polarization products. The evaluation consisted of analyzing dual polarization data from seven weather cases. MIT Lincoln Laboratory participated in the evaluation. The evaluation opportunity was used to have early access to prototypical dual polarization data to consider the potential benefit to FAA weather systems. This report introduces the new dual polarization pararmeters, presents some of the relevant weather cases, and provides recommendations regarding use of the dual polarization parameters.