General aviation TCAS avionics (GATCAS)
February 27, 1984
Project Report
Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-115
R&D Area:
R&D Group:
Experimental Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) avionics developed for the FAA at MIT Lincoln Laboratory are described. The objective of the program under which this equipment was developed was to assess the feasibility of providing a small, low-cost unit for general aviation usage. The experimental general aviation TCAS (GATCAS) avionics incorporates a new system architecture using a microprogrammed sequencer, a 16-bit microprocessor and a low-power, solid state sransmitter appropriate to the class of aircraft expected to employ GATCAS. The general aviatio unit is designed to operate below 10,000 feet in densities of up to 0.02 aircraft/nmi^2, and to provide a pilot warning time (TAUR) of 25 seconds. Assuming a track acquisition time of 10 seconds and a maximum closing speed of 300 knots, the required theoretical range of GATCAS is 3.4 nmi. The report includes (as an appendix) a cost analysis for general aviation TCAS avionics.