Next-generation technologies to enable sensor networks
July 1, 2004
Book Chapter
Published in:
Handbook of Sensor Networks, Chapter 2
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Examples are advances in ground moving target indicator (GMTI) processing, space-time adaptive processing (STAP), target discrimination, and electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM). All these advances have improved the capabilities of radar sensors. Major improvements expected in the next several years will come from exploiting collaborative network-centric architectures to leverage synergies among individual sensors. Such an approach has become feasible as a result of major advances in network computing, as well as communication technologies in both wireless and fiber networks. The exponential growth of digital technology, together with highly capable networks, enable in-depth exploitation of sensor synergy, including multi-aspect sensing. New signal processing algorithms exploiting multi-sensor data have been demonstrated in non-real-time, achieving improved performance against surface mobile targets by leveraging high-speed sensor networks. The paper demonstrates a significant advancement in exploiting complex ground moving target indicator (GMTI) and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data to accurately geo-locate and identify mobile targets.