Normalized analysis of interceptor missiles using the four-state optimal guidance system
November 1, 2003
Journal Article
Published in:
J. Guid. Control Dyn., Vol. 26, No. 6, November-December 2003, p. 838-845.
Performance prediction of miss distance due to sensor measurement errors and random target manuevers for missiles using proportional navigation guidance has been analyzed using the adjoint technique; a normalization technique has been usedto reduce the solution of the set of differential equations describing the proportional navigationguidance problemto a set of algebraic equations using normalized steady-state adjointmiss distance coefficients. The four-state optimalguidance system is generally accepted to yield superior miss distance performance to that of proportional navigation guidance. The previously mentioned normalization technique is described and extended to the four-state optimal guidance system to calculate a new set of values for the normalized steady-state adjointmiss distance coef. cients for this con. guration. Plots of these normalized coefficients as a function of a normalized tuning parameter provide designers with insight into system performance sensitivities to design parameter and intercept parameter variations. The advantage of this technique is that the results are closed-form equations, and the analyst neither needs to perform simulations nor even to solve the adjoint differential equations. In addition, optimalguidance system results formiss distance due to target spiral maneuver are presented asmiss distance normalized to the target maneuver spiral radius, thus providing valuable insights into interceptor performance.