Rulemaking for insider threat mitigation
January 1, 2019
Book Chapter
Published in:
Chapter 12, Cyber Resilience of Systems and Networks, 2019, pp. 265-86.
R&D Group:
This chapter continues the topic we started to discuss in the previous chapter – the human factors. However, it focuses on a specific method of enhancing cyber resilience via establishing appropriate rules for employees of an organization under consideration. Such rules aim at reducing threats from, for example, current or former employees, contractors, and business partners who intentionally use their authorized access to an organization to harm the organization. System users can also unintentionally contribute to cyber-attacks, or themselves become a passive target of a cyber-attack. The implementation of work-related rules is intended to decrease such risks. However, rules implementation can also increase the risks that arise from employee disregard for rules. This can occur when the rules become too restrictive, and employees become more likely to disregard the rules. Furthermore, the more often employees disregard the rules both intentionally and unintentionally, the more likely insider threats are able to observe and mimic employee behavior. This chapter shows how to find an intermediate, optimal collection of rules between the two extremes of "too many rules" and "not enough rules."