Storm models for end-to-end TDWR signal processing simulation tests
May 1, 1989
Project Report
Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-155
R&D Area:
R&D Group:
End-to-end qualification testing of teh Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) contractor signal processing system will be accomplished by a signal processing simulation test. Government furnished storm models will be used to provide inputs to the signal processor. The corresponding hazardous weather product results will be compared to hte results determined by the detection algorithm developers. This report examines the role of the end-to-end tests in the context of overall TDWR qualification testing and concludes that the signal waveform/velocity ambiguity resolution should be the principal focus of the signal processing simulation testing. Salient characteristics of the initial pair of storm models (a high reflectivity microburst observed in Huntsville, AL, and a series of low-to-moderate reflectivity microburst storms observed in Denver, CO) are described as well as desirable characteristics of additional storm models to be provided later.