A prototype photonic integrated circuit.

Quantum-Enabled Computation

We are developing superconducting quantum bits and scaling up these qubits to numbers large enough to achieve quantum computing. We're also studying how to harness quantum mechanics to improve sensing, and so far, have produced a diamond-based magnetic-field sensor 1,000 times more energy efficient than previous magnetometers. Our group continues to pioneer semiconductor fabrication techniques and classical superconducting circuits for computation. Recently, our focus has been on developing superconducting single-flux-quantum integrated circuits to address future high-performance computing needs. To this end, we have developed a novel CMOS fabrication process that is on track to enable the most advanced superconducting circuits ever constructed.

Featured Projects

A magnified view of superconducting circuits.
Unconventional memory circuits can accelerate data processing in cyber sensing devices by reducing the latency of matching complex data patterns to specialized processing pipelines.

This image shows micro-chips for Super-DICE atop a penny for size reference.
integrated systems
A technology that allows system developers to combine modules produced by trusted foundries and commercial manufacturers may deliver yield enhancements and power and performance benefits to mission-critical systems.
This is an image of adiamond seed crystal that glows orange.
quantum systems and science
Engineered diamonds show promising capability for use in quantum sensing of magnetic fields.
Photomicrograph of superconducting single-flux-quantum (SFQ) shift-register integrated circuit fabricated at Lincoln Laboratory.
The world's most advanced single-flux-quantum (SFQ) integrated circuit process has been developed here at Lincoln Laboratory.

Advancing Our Research

Featured Publications

Operation of an optical atomic clock with a Brillouin laser subsystem

Dec 9
Nature, Vol. 588, No. 7837, 2020, pp. 244-9.

Analog coupled oscillator based weighted Ising machine

Oct 15
Sci. Rep., Vol. 9, No. 1, 15 October 2019, 14786.

Suppressing relaxation in superconducting qubits by quasiparticle pumping

Dec 23
Sci., Vol. 354, No. 6319, 23 December 2016, pp. 1573-77.

Our Staff

View the biographies of members of the Quantum-Enabled Computation Group.