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A screenshot of the NetProf mobile interface shows two words (the Farsi word for capacity, and the Ukranian word for self-defense), with each word broken down by phoneme.
speech recognition
Powered by our automatic speech recognition technology, the Networked Pronunciation Feedback (NetProF) software application helps students practice pronunciation in foreign languages.
A photo of a Google earth image of Bangladesh, with a heat map over it showing mostly red.
climate change
We are creating proactive, integrated decision -support tools and services that empower frontline communities to prepare for climate impacts and minimize losses.  
Psychological disorders have been shown to impact speech patterns. The PTSD screening tool will be able to detect these patterns and therefore inform military healthcare monitoring.
Psychological disorders have been shown to impact speech patterns. The PTSD screening tool will be able to detect these patterns and therefore inform military healthcare monitoring.
An image of the handheld AI-Guide tool. it consists of a grey plastic device, with a small screen and a needle cartrige; a white ultrasound probe; and an orange application-specific guidewire cartridge.
Hemorrhage causes 90% of preventable battlefield deaths. AI-GUIDE is designed to address this issue by enabling medics to catheterize a major blood vessel, through which life-saving aid can be delivered, in a pre-hospital setting.
Rice cooker with attached infrared sensor.
By connecting a PV microgrid powered by solar panels to homes, engineers could provide people who live in regions of power-insecurity with the energy to cook their meals. Unused power could be applied to phone-charging stations.
Close-up of a 3D printed array
advanced devices
A new concept for a low-cost vacuum pump may enable development of a portable mass spectrometer that achieves high-performance chemical detection.
Three step progression of material in self repair, from cracked, to processing, to fully repaired.
advanced materials
New materials that are chemically inspired by nature could be tailored at the molecular level to dissipate vibrations in microsystems. Materials that can survive repeated external stresses could enable a next generation of enhanced microsystems.
The Laboratory's advanced work in miniaturized electronics enabled the development of EnteroPhone™.
A wireless, ingestible device monitors heart and breathing rates by listening to the body's sounds and senses core temperature, all from within the gastrointestinal tract.