ASR-9 weather channel test report, executive summary
May 3, 1989
Project Report
Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-168
R&D Area:
R&D Group:
The ASR-9, the next generation Airport surveillance radar, will be deployed by the FAA at over 100 locations throughout the United States. The system includes a weather channel designed to provide ATC personnel with timely and accurate weather reflectivity information as a supplement to normal aircraft information. Comparisons between data from an ASR-9 in Huntsville, Alabama, recorded during design qualification and testing, and data from two other "reference" radars, were used as the basis for assessment of ASR-9 weather channel performance. Results suggest that, with the exception of an apparent 3 dB discrepancy between the weather products of the ASR-9 and the "reference" radars, the ASR-9 weather channel seems to perform according to FAA specifications.