Birds mimicking microbursts on 2 June 1990 in Orlando, Florida
July 10, 1992
Project Report
Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-184
R&D Area:
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During 1990 and 1991, the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) testbed collected Doppler radar measurements in Orlando, Florida in support of the TDWR Project. The main focus of the project is to develope algorithms that automatically detect wind shears such as microbursts anti gust fronts. While the primary goal of the TDWR is to detect scattering from raindrops, the sensitivity of the system allows for the detection of biological echoes as well. Previous research has shown that under certain conditions the scattering from birds and insects will lead to divergent signatures that mimic microbursts. This type, of pattern has been documented in Alabama (Rinehart, 1986), Illinois (Larkin and Quine, 1989), and Missouri (Evans, 1990). In the Alabama and Illinois events, a divergent pattern similar to a microburst was produced when a large number of birds departed in the early morning hours from an overnight roosting site. On 2 June 1990 in Orlando, Florida, there were 11 surface divergent signatures similar to microbursts detected by the TDWR testbed radar. The maximum differential velocity of these events ranged from 11 to 36 m/s, while the maximum reflectivity varied from 0 to 44 dBz. There was light rain in the area and low-reflectivity returns aloft; however, the reflectivity was more like low-reflectivity microbursts in Denver than high-reflectivity microbursts that generally are observed in Orlando. These divergences were not detected by the microburst algorithm since the TDWR site adaptation parameters have been adjusted to avoid issuing alarms for signatures such as those on 2 June. Detailed investigation was conducted of two events to verify that these were not actual microbursts. Single Doppler radar features identified in earlier observations of divergence signatures caused by birds in Alabama and Missouri, as well as features suggested by NEXRAD researchers, were considered. The results of the radar data analysis could not unequivocally determine that birds caused the divergent signatures. A microburst prediction model developed by Wolfson was applied to the data using sounding results from Cape Canaveral, Florida to determine whether the apparent velocities were consistent with current theories of microburst generation. This model analysis clearly indicated a nonweather-related cause for the divergent signatures observed on 2 June. We conclude from the microburst prediction analysis and certain oddities in the divergence radar signatures that birds probably accounted for these divergences.