Ground clutter cancellation for the NEXRAD system
October 19, 1983
Project Report
Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-122
R&D Area:
R&D Group:
Returns from the ground and associated obstacles surroudning a NEXRAD weather radar (i.e., ground clutter) will contaminate the estimates of weather echo spectral features (e.g., reflectivity, mean velocity, and spectral width). The ground clutter returns are particularly large at low elevation angles and close range (e.g., within 40 km). Additionally, the pulse repetition frequency (PRF) values necessary to obtain the desired weather Doppler features result in ground clutter contamination at ranges that are multiples of the unambiguous range interval (e.g., 115-175 km for a typical NEXRAD). Fortunately, the groung clutter power spectrum is localized around zero velocity so that one can reduce its effect by appropriate Doppler signal processing. Automatic reduction of clutter contamination is essential if NEXRAD is to achieve the desired automatic weather product generation capability. The results of an analytical/experimental study oreinted toward development of a clutter cancellation specification and assiciated quality assurance tests for the NEXRAD system are described.