The Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) Moving Target Simulator (MTS) at Orlando, Florida
August 20, 1992
Project Report
Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-188
R&D Area:
R&D Group:
Monitoring the performance of Doppler weather radars presents special problems since target returns cannot be verified by reference to other systems (e,g ., as ASR-9 aircraft reports can be compared with beacon replies). The Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) system includes a Moving Target Simulator (MTS) which provides a point target equivalent to a 50 dBZ reflectivity weather return with an apparent radial velocity of 5 m/s. This report describes the installation results for a prototype MTS using the TDWR testbed radar in Orlando, FL. Procedures were developed for improved aiming of the MTS, using aiming of the MTS, using azimuth and elevation adjustments, which are recommended to be incorporated in the production MTS installation procedure. Initial data analyses indicate that the MTS returns from a typical radio tower would be useful for integrity monitoring in fair weather using typical TDWR filters. The use of the MTS when high -reflectivity weather or anomalous propagation (AP) is present needs further study.