Development and performance of a CW coherent laser radar for detecting wake vortices
July 23, 1995
Journal Article
Published in:
Optical Society of America, Coherent Laser Radar Topical Mtg., 1995 Technical Digest Series, Vol. 19, 23-27 July 1995, pp. 186-189
A CW-coherent laser radar using a 20-Watt CO2 laser has been constructed and deployed for the measurement of wake-vortext turbulence. This is part of a larger effort to understand the motion and decay of wake vortices as a function of the local atmospheric conditions. The construction and operation of the lidar and the initial fielding at Memphis International Airport are described.
A CW-coherent laser radar using a 20-Watt CO2 laser has been constructed and deployed for the measurement of wake-vortext turbulence. This is part of a larger effort to understand the motion and decay of wake vortices as a function of the local atmospheric conditions. The construction and operation of the...