Integrated models of signal and background with application to speaker identification in noise
This paper is concerned with the problem of robust parametric model estimation and classification in noisy acoustic environments. Characterization and modeling of the external noise sources in these environments is in itself an important issue in noise compensation. The techniques described here provide a mechanism for integrating parametric models of...
Short-time signal representation by nonlinear difference equations
The solution of a nonlinear difference equation can take on complicated deterministic behavior which appears to be random for certain values of the equation's coefficients. Due to the sensitivities to initial conditions of the output of such "chaotic" systems, it is difficult to duplicate the waveform structure by parameter analysis...
The tradeoff between delay and TASI advantage in a packetized speech multiplexer
A packetized speech multiplexer differs from a circuit-switched TASI system in that the presence of a packet buffer allows a tradeoff where the TASI advantage can be increased at a cost in packet delay. This tradeoff is investigated via a simulation. Results are presented to show the relations between TASI...
New techniques applied to air-traffic control radars
During the past two years a program has been carried out to show how new techniques can greatly improve the performance of radars used for air-traffic control. A survey of problems associated with presently used radars was undertaken. This survey indicates that primary radar in an automated air-traffic control system...
Concepts for improvement of airport surveillance radars
This report reviews the performance of operational ASR's, discusses each type of clutter with which the target must compete, examines presently employed methods of overcoming clutter and several state-of-the-art techniques which have not found their way into the ASR's for one reason or another. It concludes by describing two radars...
A theory of multiple antenna AMTI radar
This note presents a detailed mathematical analysis of a multiple-antenna AMTI radar system capable of detecting moving targets over a significantly wider velocity range than is achievable with a single-antenna system. The general system configuration and signaling strategy is defined, and relationships among system and signaling parameters are investigated. A...