Terminal Doppler Weather Radar clutter control
May 10, 1990
Conference Paper
Published in:
Proc. IEEE 1990 Int. Radar Conf., 7-10 May 1990, pp. 12-16.
R&D area:
R&D group:
The FAA is developing the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar system to automatically detect low altitude wind shear due to microbursts and gust fronts. Detection of this phenomenon presents a significant radar engineering challenge due to the need to observe low reflectivity events in the presence of strong clutter from ground objects and range aliased weather returns. This paper describes a number of unique approaches to clutter recognition which have been validated with the TDWR test bed radar.
The FAA is developing the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar system to automatically detect low altitude wind shear due to microbursts and gust fronts. Detection of this phenomenon presents a significant radar engineering challenge due to the need to observe low reflectivity events in the presence of strong clutter from ground...