Passive operating system identification from TCP/IP packet headers
Accurate operating system (OS) identification by passive network traffic analysis can continuously update less-frequent active network scans and help interpret alerts from intrusion detection systems. The most recent open-source passive OS identification tool (ettercap) rejects 70% of all packets and has a high 75-class error rate of 30% for non-rejected...
Analysis and results of the 1999 DARPA off-line intrusion detection evaluation
Eight sites participated in the second DARPA off-line intrusion detection evaluation in 1999. Three weeks of training and two weeks of test data were generated on a test bed that emulates a small government site. More than 200 instances of 58 attack types were launched against victim UNIX and Windows...
The 1999 DARPA Off-Line Intrusion Detection Evaluation
Eight sites participated in the second Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) off-line intrusion detection evaluation in 1999. A test bed generated live background traffic similar to that on a government site containing hundreds of users on thousands of hosts. More than 200 instances of 58 attack types were launched...
Evaluating intrusion detection systems without attacking your friends: The 1998 DARPA intrusion detection evaluation
Intrusion detection systems monitor the use of computers and the network over which they communicate, searching for unauthorized use, anomalous behavior, and attempts to deny users, machines or portions of the network access to services. Potential users of such systems need information that is rarely found in marketing literature, including...