Cognitive services for the user
Software-defined cognitive radios (CRs) use voice as a primary input/output (I/O) modality and are expected to have substantial computational resources capable of supporting advanced speech- and audio-processing applications. This chapter extends previous work on speech applications (e.g., [1]) to cognitive services that enhance military mission capability by capitalizing on automatic...
Eigen-channel compensation and discriminatively trained Gaussian mixture models for dialect and accent recognition
This paper presents a series of dialect/accent identification results for three sets of dialects with discriminatively trained Gaussian mixture models and feature compensation using eigen-channel decomposition. The classification tasks evaluated in the paper include: 1)the Chinese language classes, 2) American and Indian accented English and 3) discrimination between three Arabic...
The MITLL NIST LRE 2007 language recognition system
This paper presents a description of the MIT Lincoln Laboratory language recognition system submitted to the NIST 2007 Language Recognition Evaluation. This system consists of a fusion of four core recognizers, two based on tokenization and two based on spectral similarity. Results for NIST?s 14-language detection task are presented for...
Beyond frame independence: parametric modelling of time duration in speaker and language recognition
In this work, we address the question of generating accurate likelihood estimates from multi-frame observations in speaker and language recognition. Using a simple theoretical model, we extend the basic assumption of independent frames to include two refinements: a local correlation model across neighboring frames, and a global uncertainty due to...
Multisensor very low bit rate speech coding using segment quantization
We present two approaches to noise robust very low bit rate speech coding using wideband MELP analysis/synthesis. Both methods exploit multiple acoustic and non-acoustic input sensors, using our previously-presented dynamic waveform fusion algorithm to simultaneously perform waveform fusion, noise suppression, and crosschannel noise cancellation. One coder uses a 600 bps...
Low-bit-rate speech coding
Low-bit-rate speech coding, at rates below 4 kb/s, is needed for both communication and voice storage applications. At such low rates, full encoding of the speech waveform is not possible; therefore, low-rate coders rely instead on parametric models to represent only the most perceptually relevant aspects of speech. While there...
Multisensor dynamic waveform fusion
Speech communication is significantly more difficult in severe acoustic background noise environments, especially when low-rate speech coders are used. Non-acoustic sensors, such as radar sensors, vibrometers, and bone-conduction microphones, offer significant potential in these situations. We extend previous work on fixed waveform fusion from multiple sensors to an optimal dynamic...
Reducing speech coding distortion for speaker identification
In this paper, we investigate the degradation of speaker identification performance due to speech coding algorithms used in digital telephone networks, cellular telephony, and voice over IP. By analyzing the difference between front-end feature vectors derived from coded and uncoded speech in terms of spectral distortion, we are able to...
A scalable phonetic vocoder framework using joint predictive vector quantization of MELP parameters
We present the framework for a Scalable Phonetic Vocoder (SPV) capable of operating at bit rates from 300 - 1100 bps. The underlying system uses an HMM-based phonetic speech recognizer to estimate the parameters for MELP speech synthesis. We extend this baseline technique in three ways. First, we introduce the...