State-of-the-art speaker recognition for telephone and video speech: the JHU-MIT submission for NIST SRE18
We present a condensed description of the joint effort of JHUCLSP, JHU-HLTCOE, MIT-LL., MIT CSAIL and LSE-EPITA for NIST SRE18. All the developed systems consisted of xvector/i-vector embeddings with some flavor of PLDA backend. Very deep x-vector architectures–Extended and Factorized TDNN, and ResNets– clearly outperformed shallower xvectors and i-vectors. The...
Language recognition via i-vectors and dimensionality reduction
In this paper, a new language identification system is presented based on the total variability approach previously developed in the field of speaker identification. Various techniques are employed to extract the most salient features in the lower dimensional i-vector space and the system developed results in excellent performance on the...