Discriminative N-gram selection for dialect recognition
Dialect recognition is a challenging and multifaceted problem. Distinguishing between dialects can rely upon many tiers of interpretation of speech data - e.g., prosodic, phonetic, spectral, and word. High-accuracy automatic methods for dialect recognition typically rely upon either phonetic or spectral characteristics of the input. A challenge with spectral system...
The MIT Lincoln Laboratory 2008 speaker recognition system
In recent years methods for modeling and mitigating variational nuisances have been introduced and refined. A primary emphasis in this years NIST 2008 Speaker Recognition Evaluation (SRE) was to greatly expand the use of auxiliary microphones. This offered the additional channel variations which has been a historical challenge to speaker...
Variability compensated support vector machines applied to speaker verification
Speaker verification using SVMs has proven successful, specifically using the GSV Kernel [1] with nuisance attribute projection (NAP) [2]. Also, the recent popularity and success of joint factor analysis [3] has led to promising attempts to use speaker factors directly as SVM features [4]. NAP projection and the use of...
Modeling and detection techniques for counter-terror social network analysis and intent recognition
In this paper, we describe our approach and initial results on modeling, detection, and tracking of terrorist groups and their intents based on multimedia data. While research on automated information extraction from multimedia data has yielded significant progress in areas such as the extraction of entities, links, and events, less...
Forensic speaker recognition: a need for caution
There has long been a desire to be able to identify a person on the basis of his or her voice. For many years, judges, lawyers, detectives, and law enforcement agencies have wanted to use forensic voice authentication to investigate a suspect or to confirm a judgment of guilt or...
Cognitive services for the user
Software-defined cognitive radios (CRs) use voice as a primary input/output (I/O) modality and are expected to have substantial computational resources capable of supporting advanced speech- and audio-processing applications. This chapter extends previous work on speech applications (e.g., [1]) to cognitive services that enhance military mission capability by capitalizing on automatic...
A comparison of subspace feature-domain methods for language recognition
Compensation of cepstral features for mismatch due to dissimilar train and test conditions has been critical for good performance in many speech applications. Mismatch is typically due to variability from changes in speaker, channel, gender, and environment. Common methods for compensation include RASTA, mean and variance normalization, VTLN, and feature...
The MITLL NIST LRE 2007 language recognition system
This paper presents a description of the MIT Lincoln Laboratory language recognition system submitted to the NIST 2007 Language Recognition Evaluation. This system consists of a fusion of four core recognizers, two based on tokenization and two based on spectral similarity. Results for NIST?s 14-language detection task are presented for...
A covariance kernel for SVM language recognition
Discriminative training for language recognition has been a key tool for improving system performance. In addition, recognition directly from shifted-delta cepstral features has proven effective. A recent successful example of this paradigm is SVM-based discrimination of languages based on GMM mean supervectors (GSVs). GSVs are created through MAP adaptation of...
A multi-class MLLR kernel for SVM speaker recognition
Speaker recognition using support vector machines (SVMs) with features derived from generative models has been shown to perform well. Typically, a universal background model (UBM) is adapted to each utterance yielding a set of features that are used in an SVM. We consider the case where the UBM is a...