Exploring the variable sky with LINEAR. III. classification of periodic light curves
We describe the construction of a highly reliable sample of ~7000 optically faint periodic variable stars with light curves obtained by the asteroid survey LINEAR across 10,000 deg^2 of the northern sky. The majority of these variables have not been cataloged yet. The sample flux limit is several magnitudes fainter...
Exploring the variable sky with LINEAR. II. Halo structure and substructure traces by RR Lyrae stars to 30 kpc
We present a sample of ~5000 RR Lyrae stars selected from the recalibrated LINEAR data set and detected at heliocentric distances between 5 kpc and 30 kpc over ~8000 deg^2 of sky. The coordinates and light curve properties, such as period and Oosterhoff type, are made publicly available. We analyze...
Exploring the variable sky with LINEAR : photometric recalibration with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
We describe photometric recalibration of data obtained by the asteroid survey LINEAR. Although LINEAR was designed for astrometric discovery of moving objects, the data set described here contains over 5 billion photometric measurements for about 25 million objects, mostly stars. We use Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data from the...