COTS fusion tracker evaluation
Lincoln Laboratory was tasked by the FAA to measure the performance of a representative sample of current commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) fusion trackers. This effort included cataloging the companies that have available ATC fusion trackers, acquiring executable tracker images from as many as possible of these trackers, running the commercial tracker...
ATCRBS Reply Environment at Memphis International Airport
This report demonstrates, through data and analysis, how the airport environment can affect ATCRBS surveillance. The Lincoln Laboratory ATCRBS Monopulse Processing Subsystem was used to collect reply data at Memphis International Airport during March 1991. These data show a correlation between aircraft density, potential reflectors, and ATCRBS reply integrity. The...
The AMPS computer system: design and operation
The Lincoln Laboratory Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS) Monopulse Processing System (AMPS) is a mobile, stand-alone, ATCRBS surveillance sensor for processing and disseminating target reports from transponder-equipped aircraft. AMPS is essentially the ATCRBS portion of the Mode Select Beacon System (Mode S), a system designed to be an...
Interrogation scheduling algorithms for a discrete address beacon system
This report describes several scheduling algorithms that may form part of the interrogation management function of a discrete address beacon system. These include scheduling algorithms that can handle unequal message lengths and types which can schedule a message very rapidly (dynamic scheduling). The algorithms are evaluated in terms of the...