Lessons learned from a decade of providing interactive, on-demand high performance computing to scientists and engineers
For decades, the use of HPC systems was limited to those in the physical sciences who had mastered their domain in conjunction with a deep understanding of HPC architectures and algorithms. During these same decades, consumer computing device advances produced tablets and smartphones that allow millions of children to interactively...
Benchmarking data analysis and machine learning applications on the Intel KNL many-core processor
Knights Landing (KNL) is the code name for the second-generation Intel Xeon Phi product family. KNL has generated significant interest in the data analysis and machine learning communities because its new many-core architecture targets both of these workloads. The KNL many-core vector processor design enables it to exploit much higher...
Performance measurements of supercomputing and cloud storage solutions
Increasing amounts of data from varied sources, particularly in the fields of machine learning and graph analytics, are causing storage requirements to grow rapidly. A variety of technologies exist for storing and sharing these data, ranging from parallel file systems used by supercomputers to distributed block storage systems found in...
Benchmarking SciDB data import on HPC systems
SciDB is a scalable, computational database management system that uses an array model for data storage. The array data model of SciDB makes it ideally suited for storing and managing large amounts of imaging data. SciDB is designed to support advanced analytics in database, thus reducing the need for extracting...
Enhancing HPC security with a user-based firewall
High Performance Computing (HPC) systems traditionally allow their users unrestricted use of their internal network. While this network is normally controlled enough to guarantee privacy without the need for encryption, it does not provide a method to authenticate peer connections. Protocols built upon this internal network, such as those used...
Designing a new high performance computing education strategy for professional scientists and engineers
For decades the High Performance Computing (HPC) community has used web content, workshops and embedded HPC scientists to enable practitioners to harness the power of parallel and distributed computing. The most successful approaches, face-to-face tutorials and embedded professionals, don't scale. To create scalable, flexible, educational experiences for practitioners in all...
LLMapReduce: multi-level map-reduce for high performance data analysis
The map-reduce parallel programming model has become extremely popular in the big data community. Many big data workloads can benefit from the enhanced performance offered by supercomputers. LLMapReduce provides the familiar map-reduce parallel programming model to big data users running on a supercomputer. LLMapReduce dramatically simplifies map-reduce programming by providing...
Scalability of VM provisioning systems
Virtual machines and virtualized hardware have been around for over half a century. The commoditization of the x86 platform and its rapidly growing hardware capabilities have led to recent exponential growth in the use of virtualization both in the enterprise and high performance computing (HPC). The startup time of a...
Percolation model of insider threats to assess the optimum number of rules
Rules, regulations, and policies are the basis of civilized society and are used to coordinate the activities of individuals who have a variety of goals and purposes. History has taught that over-regulation (too many rules) makes it difficult to compete and under-regulation (too few rules) can lead to crisis. This...
Enabling on-demand database computing with MIT SuperCloud database management system
The MIT SuperCloud database management system allows for rapid creation and flexible execution of a variety of the latest scientific databases, including Apache Accumulo and SciDB. It is designed to permit these databases to run on a High Performance Computing Cluster (HPCC) platform as seamlessly as any other HPCC job...