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Big data strategies for data center infrastructure management using a 3D gaming platform


High Performance Computing (HPC) is intrinsically linked to effective Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM). Cloud services and HPC have become key components in Department of Defense and corporate Information Technology competitive strategies in the global and commercial spaces. As a result, the reliance on consistent, reliable Data Center space is more critical than ever. The costs and complexity of providing quality DCIM are constantly being tested and evaluated by the United States Government and companies such as Google, Microsoft and Facebook. This paper will demonstrate a system where Big Data strategies and 3D gaming technology is leveraged to successfully monitor and analyze multiple HPC systems and a lights-out modular HP EcoPOD 240a Data Center on a singular platform. Big Data technology and a 3D gaming platform enables the relative real time monitoring of 5000 environmental sensors, more than 3500 IT data points and display visual analytics of the overall operating condition of the Data Center from a command center over 100 miles away. In addition, the Big Data model allows for in depth analysis of historical trends and conditions to optimize operations achieving even greater efficiencies and reliability.


High Performance Computing (HPC) is intrinsically linked to effective Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM). Cloud services and HPC have become key components in Department of Defense and corporate Information Technology competitive strategies in the global and commercial spaces. As a result, the reliance on consistent, reliable Data Center space is...


Portable Map-Reduce utility for MIT SuperCloud environment


The MIT Map-Reduce utility has been developed and deployed on the MIT SuperCloud to support scientists and engineers at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. With the MIT Map-Reduce utility, users can deploy their applications quickly onto the MIT SuperCloud infrastructure. The MIT Map-Reduce utility can work with any applications without the need for any modifications. For improved performance, the MIT Map-Reduce utility provides an option to consolidate multiple input data files per compute task as a single stream of input with minimal changes to the target application. This enables users to reduce the computational overhead associated with the cost of multiple application starting up when dealing with more than one piece of input data per compute task. With a small change in a sample MATLAB image processing application, we have observed approximately 12x speed up by reducing the application startup overhead. Currently the MIT Map-Reduce utility can work with several schedulers such as SLURM, Grid Engine and LSF.


The MIT Map-Reduce utility has been developed and deployed on the MIT SuperCloud to support scientists and engineers at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. With the MIT Map-Reduce utility, users can deploy their applications quickly onto the MIT SuperCloud infrastructure. The MIT Map-Reduce utility can work with any applications without the need...


Parallel vectorized algebraic AES in MATLAB for rapid prototyping of encrypted sensor processing algorithms and database analytics

Published in:
HPEC 2015: IEEE Conf. on High Performance Extreme Computing, 15-17 September 2015.


The increasing use of networked sensor systems and networked databases has led to an increased interest in incorporating encryption directly into sensor algorithms and database analytics. MATLAB is the dominant tool for rapid prototyping of sensor algorithms and has extensive database analytics capabilities. The advent of high level and high performance Galois Field mathematical environments allows encryption algorithms to be expressed succinctly and efficiently. This work leverages the Galois Field primitives found the MATLAB Communication Toolbox to implement a mode of the Advanced Encrypted Standard (AES) based on first principals mathematics. The resulting implementation requires 100x less code than standard AES implementations and delivers speed that is effective for many design purposes. The parallel version achieves speed comparable to native OpenSSL on a single node and is sufficient for real-time prototyping of many sensor processing algorithms and database analytics.


The increasing use of networked sensor systems and networked databases has led to an increased interest in incorporating encryption directly into sensor algorithms and database analytics. MATLAB is the dominant tool for rapid prototyping of sensor algorithms and has extensive database analytics capabilities. The advent of high level and high...


Computing on Masked Data to improve the security of big data

Published in:
HST 2015, IEEE Int. Conf. on Technologies for Homeland Security, 14-16 April 2015.


Organizations that make use of large quantities of information require the ability to store and process data from central locations so that the product can be shared or distributed across a heterogeneous group of users. However, recent events underscore the need for improving the security of data stored in such untrusted servers or databases. Advances in cryptographic techniques and database technologies provide the necessary security functionality but rely on a computational model in which the cloud is used solely for storage and retrieval. Much of big data computation and analytics make use of signal processing fundamentals for computation. As the trend of moving data storage and computation to the cloud increases, homeland security missions should understand the impact of security on key signal processing kernels such as correlation or thresholding. In this article, we propose a tool called Computing on Masked Data (CMD), which combines advances in database technologies and cryptographic tools to provide a low overhead mechanism to offload certain mathematical operations securely to the cloud. This article describes the design and development of the CMD tool.


Organizations that make use of large quantities of information require the ability to store and process data from central locations so that the product can be shared or distributed across a heterogeneous group of users. However, recent events underscore the need for improving the security of data stored in such...


Computing on masked data: a high performance method for improving big data veracity

Published in:
HPEC 2014: IEEE Conf. on High Performance Extreme Computing, 9-11 September 2014.


The growing gap between data and users calls for innovative tools that address the challenges faced by big data volume, velocity and variety. Along with these standard three V's of big data, an emerging fourth "V" is veracity, which addresses the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the data. Traditional cryptographic techniques that ensure the veracity of data can have overheads that are too large to apply to big data. This work introduces a new technique called Computing on Masked Data (CMD), which improves data veracity by allowing computations to be performed directly on masked data and ensuring that only authorized recipients can unmask the data. Using the sparse linear algebra of associative arrays, CMD can be performed with significantly less overhead than other approaches while still supporting a wide range of linear algebraic operations on the masked data. Databases with strong support of sparse operations, such as SciDB or Apache Accumulo, are ideally suited to this technique. Examples are shown for the application of CMD to a complex DNA matching algorithm and to database operations over social media data.


The growing gap between data and users calls for innovative tools that address the challenges faced by big data volume, velocity and variety. Along with these standard three V's of big data, an emerging fourth "V" is veracity, which addresses the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the data. Traditional cryptographic...


Computing on masked data: a high performance method for improving big data veracity

Published in:
HPEC 2014: IEEE Conf. on High Performance Extreme Computing, 9-11 September 2014.


The growing gap between data and users calls for innovative tools that address the challenges faced by big data volume, velocity and variety. Along with these standard three V's of big data, an emerging fourth "V" is veracity, which addresses the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the data. Traditional cryptographic techniques that ensure the veracity of data can have overheads that are too large to apply to big data. This work introduces a new technique called Computing on Masked Data (CMD), which improves data veracity by allowing computations to be performed directly on masked data and ensuring that only authorized recipients can unmask the data. Using the sparse linear algebra of associative arrays, CMD can be performed with significantly less overhead than other approaches while still supporting a wide range of linear algebraic operations on the masked data. Databases with strong support of sparse operations, such as SciDB or Apache Accumulo, are ideally suited to this technique. Examples are shown for the application of CMD to a complex DNA matching algorithm and to database operations over social media data.


The growing gap between data and users calls for innovative tools that address the challenges faced by big data volume, velocity and variety. Along with these standard three V's of big data, an emerging fourth "V" is veracity, which addresses the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the data. Traditional cryptographic...


Achieving 100,000,000 database inserts per second using Accumulo and D4M


The Apache Accumulo database is an open source relaxed consistency database that is widely used for government applications. Accumulo is designed to deliver high performance on unstructured data such as graphs of network data. This paper tests the performance of Accumulo using data from the Graph500 benchmark. The Dynamic Distributed Dimensional Data Model (D4M) software is used to implement the benchmark on a 216-node cluster running the MIT SuperCloud software stack. A peak performance of over 100,000,000 database inserts per second was achieved which is 100x larger than the highest previously published value for any other database. The performance scales linearly with the number of ingest clients, number of database servers, and data size. The performance was achieved by adapting several supercomputing techniques to this application: distributed arrays, domain decomposition, adaptive load balancing, and single-program-multiple-data programming.


The Apache Accumulo database is an open source relaxed consistency database that is widely used for government applications. Accumulo is designed to deliver high performance on unstructured data such as graphs of network data. This paper tests the performance of Accumulo using data from the Graph500 benchmark. The Dynamic Distributed...


D4M 2.0 Schema: a general purpose high performance schema for the Accumulo database


Non-traditional, relaxed consistency, triple store databases are the backbone of many web companies (e.g., Google Big Table, Amazon Dynamo, and Facebook Cassandra). The Apache Accumulo database is a high performance open source relaxed consistency database that is widely used for government applications. Obtaining the full benefits of Accumulo requires using novel schemas. The Dynamic Distributed Dimensional Data Model (D4M) [] provides a uniform mathematical framework based on associative arrays that encompasses both traditional (i.e., SQL) and non-traditional databases. For non-traditional databases D4M naturally leads to a general purpose schema that can be used to fully index and rapidly query every unique string in a dataset. The D4M 2.0 Schema has been applied with little or no customization to cyber, bioinformatics, scientific citation, free text, and social media data. The D4M 2.0 Schema is simple, requires minimal parsing, and achieves the highest published Accumulo ingest rates. The benefits of the D4M 2.0 Schema are independent of the D4M interface. Any interface to Accumulo can achieve these benefits by using the D4M 2.0 Schema.


Non-traditional, relaxed consistency, triple store databases are the backbone of many web companies (e.g., Google Big Table, Amazon Dynamo, and Facebook Cassandra). The Apache Accumulo database is a high performance open source relaxed consistency database that is widely used for government applications. Obtaining the full benefits of Accumulo requires using...


LLSuperCloud: sharing HPC systems for diverse rapid prototyping


The supercomputing and enterprise computing arenas come from very different lineages. However, the advent of commodity computing servers has brought the two arenas closer than they have ever been. Within enterprise computing, commodity computing servers have resulted in the development of a wide range of new cloud capabilities: elastic computing, virtualization, and data hosting. Similarly, the supercomputing community has developed new capabilities in heterogeneous, massively parallel hardware and software. Merging the benefits of enterprise clouds and supercomputing has been a challenging goal. Significant effort has been expended in trying to deploy supercomputing capabilities on cloud computing systems. These efforts have resulted in unreliable, low performance solutions, which requires enormous expertise to maintain. LLSuperCloud provides a novel solution to the problem of merging enterprise cloud and supercomputing technology. More specifically LLSuperCloud reverses the traditional paradigm of attempting to deploy supercomputing capabilities on a cloud and instead deploys cloud capabilities on a supercomputer. The result is a system that can handle heterogeneous, massively parallel workloads while also providing high performance elastic computing, virtualization, and databases. The benefits of LLSuperCloud are highlighted using a mixed workload of C MPI, parallel MATLAB, Java, databases, and virtualized web services.


The supercomputing and enterprise computing arenas come from very different lineages. However, the advent of commodity computing servers has brought the two arenas closer than they have ever been. Within enterprise computing, commodity computing servers have resulted in the development of a wide range of new cloud capabilities: elastic computing...


D4M 2.0 Schema: a general purpose high performance schema for the Accumulo database


Non-traditional, relaxed consistency, triple store databases are the backbone of many web companies (e.g., Google Big Table, Amazon Dynamo, and Facebook Cassandra). The Apache Accumulo database is a high performance open source relaxed consistency database that is widely used for government applications. Obtaining the full benefits of Accumulo requires using novel schemas. The Dynamic Distributed Dimensional Data Model (D4M) [] provides a uniform mathematical framework based on associative arrays that encompasses both traditional (i.e., SQL) and non-traditional databases. For non-traditional databases D4M naturally leads to a general purpose schema that can be used to fully index and rapidly query every unique string in a dataset. The D4M 2.0 Schema has been applied with little or no customization to cyber, bioinformatics, scientific citation, free text, and social media data. The D4M 2.0 Schema is simple, requires minimal parsing, and achieves the highest published Accumulo ingest rates. The benefits of the D4M 2.0 Schema are independent of the D4M interface. Any interface to Accumulo can achieve these benefits by using the D4M 2.0 Schema.


Non-traditional, relaxed consistency, triple store databases are the backbone of many web companies (e.g., Google Big Table, Amazon Dynamo, and Facebook Cassandra). The Apache Accumulo database is a high performance open source relaxed consistency database that is widely used for government applications. Obtaining the full benefits of Accumulo requires using...