Talking Head Detection by Likelihood-Ratio Test(220.2 KB)
Detecting accurately when a person whose face is visible in an audio-visual medium is the audible speaker is an enabling technology with a number of useful applications. The likelihood-ratio test formulation and feature signal processing employed here allow the use of high-dimensional feature sets in the audio and visual domain...
Autoregressive HMM speech synthesis
Autoregressive HMM modeling of spectral features has been proposed as a replacement for standard HMM speech synthesis. The merits of the approach are explored, and methods for enforcing stability of the estimated predictor coefficients are presented. It appears that rather than directly estimating autoregressive HMM parameters, greater synthesis accuracy is...
Kalman filter based speech synthesis
Preliminary results are reported from a very simple speech-synthesis system based on clustered-diphone Kalman Filter based modeling of line-spectral frequency based features. Parameters were estimated using maximum-likelihood EM training, with a constraint enforced that prevented eigenvalue magnitudes in the transition matrix from exceeding 1. Frames of training data were assigned...
Nuisance attribute projection
Cross-channel degradation is one of the significant challenges facing speaker recognition systems. We study this problem in the support vector machine (SVM) context and nuisance variable compensation in high-dimensional spaces more generally. We present an approach to nuisance variable compensation by removing nuisance attribute-related dimensions in the SVM expansion space...
The 2004 MIT Lincoln Laboratory speaker recognition system
The MIT Lincoln Laboratory submission for the 2004 NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation (SRE) was built upon seven core systems using speaker information from short-term acoustics, pitch and duration prosodic behavior, and phoneme and word usage. These different levels of information were modeled and classified using Gaussian Mixture Models, Support Vector...
Channel compensation for SVM speaker recognition
One of the major remaining challenges to improving accuracy in state-of-the-art speaker recognition algorithms is reducing the impact of channel and handset variations on system performance. For Gaussian Mixture Model based speaker recognition systems, a variety of channel-adaptation techniques are known and available for adapting models between different channel conditions...
Beyond cepstra: exploiting high-level information in speaker recognition
Traditionally speaker recognition techniques have focused on using short-term, low-level acoustic information such as cepstra features extracted over 20-30 ms windows of speech. But speech is a complex behavior conveying more information about the speaker than merely the sounds that are characteristic of his vocal apparatus. This higher-level information includes...