Analytical workload model for estimating en route sector capacity in convective weather
We have extended an analytical workload model for estimating en route sector capacity to include the impact of convective weather. We use historical weather avoidance data to characterize weather blockage, which affects the sector workload in three ways: (1) Increase in the conflict resolution task rate via reduction in available...
Estimation of potential IDRP benefits during convective weather SWAP
This document presents a preliminary analysis of potential departure delay reduction benefits in New York as the result of the use of the Integrated Departure Route Planning (IDRP) tool during convective severe weather avoidance programs (SWAP). The analysis is based on weather impact and air traffic data from operations between...
Making departure management weather impact models airspace-adaptable: adapting the New York Route Availability Planning Tool (RAPT) to Chicago departure airspace
The Route Availability Planning Tool (RAPT) operational prototype was deployed to Chicago in the summer of 2010, the first RAPT deployment outside of the New York departure airspace for which it was originally developed. The goal of the deployment was to evaluate the adaptability of RAPT's airspace definition, departure management...
Route availability planning tool evaluation vizualizations for the New York and Chigaco departure flows
When operationally significant weather affects a region of the National Airspace System (NAS) a Severe Weather Avoidance Program (SWAP) is initiated for that region. Each SWAP event is a unique mix of demand, weather conditions, traffic flow management (TFM) initiatives and traffic movement. On the day following a SWAP, the...
Predictive modeling of forecast uncertainty in the Route Availability Planning Tool (RAPT)
MIT Lincoln Laboratory has developed the Route Availability Planning Tool (RAPT), which provides automated convective weather guidance to air traffic managers of the NYC metro region. Prior studies of RAPT have shown high-accuracy guidance from forecast weather, but further refinements to prevent forecast misclassification is still desirable. An attribute set...
Severe weather avoidance program performance metrics for New York departure operations
When operationally significant weather affects the National Airspace System (NAS) a Severe Weather Avoidance Program (SWAP) is initiated. Each SWAP event is a unique mix of demand, weather conditions, traffic flow management (TFM) initiatives and traffic movement. Following a SWAP, the day's events are reviewed and the TFM initiatives used...
The Route Availability Planning Tool (RAPT): evaluation of departure management decision support in New York during the 2008 convective weather season
Severe weather avoidance programs (SWAP) due to convective weather are common in many of the busiest terminal areas in the US National Airspace System (NAS). In order to make efficient use of available airspace in rapidly evolving convective weather, it is necessary to predict the impacts of the weather on...