An assessment of automated boundary and front detection to support convective initiation forecasts
One of the largest sources of error in the current automated convective weather forecast systems is due to its inability to accurately account for new convective storm development. In many situations the initiation of new convection is preceded by low altitude convergence in the horizontal winds. These regions of low...
An analysis of wake vortex lidar measurements at LaGuardia Airport
The majority of research into the wake vortex hazard has concentrated on the in-trail encounter scenario for arrivals. At LaGuardia Airport, wake vortex spacings are applied to arrivals on runway 22 following a heavy departure on the intersecting runway 31, resulting in delay and increased workload for controllers. Previous analysis...
Wind prediction to support reduced wake separation standards for closely spaced parallel runway departures
Wake vortices are a by-product of lift generated by aircraft. The vortices from the wings and other lift surfaces such as flaps spin off and trail behind an aircraft (see Figure 1). These vortices can be a hazard to other aircraft, especially lighter aircraft that are following at low altitude...