Hybridization process for back-illuminated silicon Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode arrays
We present a unique hybridization process that permits high-performance back-illuminated silicon Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes (GM-APDs) to be bonded to custom CMOS readout integrated circuits (ROICs) - a hybridization approach that enables independent optimization of the GM-APD arrays and the ROICs. The process includes oxide bonding of silicon GM-APD arrays to...
Three-dimensional integration technology for advanced focal planes
We have developed a three-dimensional (3D) circuit integration technology that exploits the advantages of silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology to enable wafer-level stacking and micrometer-scale electrical interconnection of fully fabricated circuit wafers. This paper describes the 3D technology and discusses some of the advanced focal plane arrays that have been built using...
Geiger-mode quad-cell array for adaptive optics
We report an array of Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors using high-fill-factor Geiger-mode avalanche detector quad cells hybridized to all-digital CMOS counting circuits. The absence of readout noise facilitates fast wavefront sensing at low light levels.
Arrays of InP-based avalanche photodiodes for photon counting
Arrays of InP-based avalanche photodiodes (APDs) with InGaAsP absorber regions have been fabricated and characterized in the Geiger mode for photon-counting applications. Measurements of APDs with InGaAsP absorbers optimized for 1.06 um wavelength show dark count rates (DCRs)
A wafer-scale 3-D circuit integration technology
The rationale and development of a wafer-scale three-dimensional (3-D) integrated circuit technology are described. The essential elements of the 3-D technology are integrated circuit fabrication on silicon-on-insulator wafers, precision wafer-wafer alignment using an in-house-developed alignment system, low-temperature wafer-wafer bonding to transfer and stack active circuit layers, and interconnection of the...
Laser radar imager based on 3D integration of Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes with two SOI timing circuit layers
We have developed focal-plane arrays and laser-radar (ladar) imaging systems based on Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes (APDs) integrated with high-speed all-digital CMOS timing circuits. A Geiger-mode APD produces a digital pulse upon detection of a single photon. This pulse is used to stop a fast digital counter in the pixel circuit...
Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes for three-dimensional imaging
We discuss the properties of Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes (APDs) and their use in developing an imaging laser radar (ladar). This type of photodetector gives a fast electrical pulse in response to the detection of even a single photon, allowing for sub-nsec-precision photon-flight-time measurement. We present ongoing work at Lincoln Laboratory...