Reliable large format arrays of Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes
The fabrication of reliable InP-based Geigermode avalanche photodiode arrays is described. Arrays of up to 256 x 64 elements have been produced and mated to silicon read-out circuits forming single-photon infrared focal plane imagers for 1.06 and 1.5 mum applications.
Slab-coupled optical waveguide photodiode
We report the first high-current photodiode based on the slab-coupled optical waveguide concept. The device has a large mode (5.8 x 7.6 um) and ultra-low optical confinement ([] ~ 0.05%), allowing a 2-mm absorption length. The maximum photocurrent obtained was 250 mA (R = 0.8-A/W) at 1.55 um.
Arrays of InP-based avalanche photodiodes for photon counting
Arrays of InP-based avalanche photodiodes (APDs) with InGaAsP absorber regions have been fabricated and characterized in the Geiger mode for photon-counting applications. Measurements of APDs with InGaAsP absorbers optimized for 1.06 um wavelength show dark count rates (DCRs)
Afterpulsing in Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes for 1.06um wavelength
We consider the phenomenon of afterpulsing in avalanche photodiodes (APDs) operating in gated and free-running Geiger mode. An operational model of afterpulsing and other noise characteristics of APDs predicts the noise behavior observed in the free-running mode. We also use gated-mode data to investigate possible sources of afterpulsing in these...
InGaAsP/InP quantum-well electrorefractive modulators with sub-volt V[pi]
Advanced analog-optical sensor, signal processing and communication systems could benefit significantly from wideband (DC to > 50 GHz) optical modulators having both low half-wave voltage (V[pi]) and low optical insertion loss. An important figure-of-merit for modulators used in analog applications is TMAX/V[pi], where TMAX is the optical transmission of the...