Development of a high-throughput microwave imaging system for concealed weapons detection
A video-rate microwave imaging aperture for concealed threat detection can serve as a useful tool in securing crowded, high foot traffic environments. Realization of such a system presents two major technical challenges: 1) implementation of an electrically large antenna array for capture of a moving subject, and 2) fast image...
Scalable prototyping testbed for MMW imager system
A prototyping testbed for an experimental millimeter-wave multiple-imput multiple-output (MIMO) radar system for security applications in high foot-traffic areas will be presented. The system is designed for flexible operation at a 10 Hz video rate, enabled by high-speed electronic scanning and real-time signal processing. Overall imaging system costs are reduced...
Switched antenna array tile for real-time microwave imaging aperture
A switched array tile which is part of a large aperture for near-field microwave imaging is presented. The tile is based on the Boundary Array (BA), a sparse array topology for hardware efficient realization of imaging apertures. The larger array formed with the tile samples a scene with no redundancy...
Low-profile dual-polarized UHF array antenna
A low-profile dual-polarized UHF array antenna has been developed for wide field-of-view dual sector coverage in the 250 to 450 MHz frequency range for communications or radar applications. The antenna utilizes a pair of parasitically-tuned dipole arrays for horizontal polarization and a pair of parasitically-tuned monopole arrays for vertical polarization...
Ultrawideband VHF/UHF dipole array antenna
A linearly-polarized ultrawideband dipole array antenna has been developed for coverage in the VHF/UHF frequency range for communications or radar applications. The antenna design utilizes a horizontally polarized array of thick tubular dipole elements above a ground plane. Numerical electromagnetic simulations were used to analyze and optimize the antenna parameters...