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Competing cognitive resilient networks
We introduce competing cognitive resilient network (CCRN) of mobile radios challenged to optimize data throughput and networking efficiency under dynamic spectrum access and adversarial threats (e.g., jamming). Unlike the conventional approaches, CCRN features both communicator and jamming nodes in a friendly coalition to take joint actions against hostile networking entities...
Assessing functional neural connectivity as an indicator of cognitive performance
Studies in recent years have demonstrated that neural organization and structure impact an individual's ability to perform a given task. Specifically, individuals with greater neural efficiency have been shown to outperform those with less organized functional structure. In this work, we compare the predictive ability of properties of neural connectivity...
Optimizing media access strategy for competing cognitive radio networks
This paper describes an adaptation of cognitive radio technology for tactical wireless networking. We introduce Competing Cognitive Radio Network (CCRN) featuring both communicator and jamming cognitive radio nodes that strategize in taking actions on an open spectrum under the presence of adversarial threats. We present the problem in the Multi-armed...
PANEMOTO: network visualization of security situational awareness through passive analysis
To maintain effective security situational awareness, administrators require tools that present up-to-date information on the state of the network in the form of 'at-a-glance' displays, and that enable rapid assessment and investigation of relevant security concerns through drill-down analysis capability. In this paper, we present a passive network monitoring tool...
Practical attack graph generation for network defense
Attack graphs are a valuable tool to network defenders, illustrating paths an attacker can use to gain access to a targeted network. Defenders can then focus their efforts on patching the vulnerabilities and configuration errors that allow the attackers the greatest amount of access. We have created a new type...
Validating and restoring defense in depth using attack graphs
Defense in depth is a common strategy that uses layers of firewalls to protect Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) subnets and other critical resources on enterprise networks. A tool named NetSPA is presented that analyzes firewall rules and vulnerabilities to construct attack graphs. These show how inside and outside...
System adaptation as a trust response in tactical ad hoc networks
While mobile ad hoc networks offer significant improvements for tactical communications, these networks are vulnerable to node capture and other forms of cyberattack. In this paper we evaluated via simulation of the impact of a passive attacker, a denial of service (DoS) attack, and a data swallowing attack. We compared...
Generation of the DABS network coverage map
This paper describes the technique of designing the network management coverage map files necessary to coordinate a network of DABS sensors. First, the concept of the DABS network is defined, and the functions of Network Management are briefly described, as they relate to the coverage map. Then, the rationale for...
Concept and plan for the development of a weather support subsystem for Air Traffic Control
This report summarizes the results of a study to: (1) investigate the primary needs of air traffic controllers, flow controllers, and central flow controllers for weather information, (2) define a cost effective system concept to meet these needs, and (3) lay out a plan for the development of the proposed...
Design validation of the network management function
This document presents the results of a major design validation effort of the Network Management function described in the DABS Engineering Requirements document. The design validation is based on simulation of a DABS network of three sensors interacting with airborne traffic of approximately 800 aircraft