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HEtest: a homomorphic encryption testing framework
In this work, we present a generic open-source software framework that can evaluate the correctness and performance of homomorphic encryption software. Our framework, called HEtest, automates the entire process of a test: generation of data for testing (such as circuits and inputs), execution of a test, comparison of performance to...
Automated assessment of secure search systems
This work presents the results of a three-year project that assessed nine different privacy-preserving data search systems. We detail the design of a software assessment framework that focuses on low system footprint, repeatability, and reusability. A unique achievement of this project was the automation and integration of the entire test...
Information leaks without memory disclosures: remote side channel attacks on diversified code
Code diversification has been proposed as a technique to mitigate code reuse attacks, which have recently become the predominant way for attackers to exploit memory corruption vulnerabilities. As code reuse attacks require detailed knowledge of where code is in memory, diversification techniques attempt to mitigate these attacks by randomizing what...
Quantitative evaluation of dynamic platform techniques as a defensive mechanism
Cyber defenses based on dynamic platform techniques have been proposed as a way to make systems more resilient to attacks. These defenses change the properties of the platforms in order to make attacks more complicated. Unfortunately, little work has been done on measuring the effectiveness of these defenses. In this...
A survey of cryptographic approaches to securing big-data analytics in the cloud
The growing demand for cloud computing motivates the need to study the security of data received, stored, processed, and transmitted by a cloud. In this paper, we present a framework for such a study. We introduce a cloud computing model that captures a rich class of big-data use-cases and allows...
A test-suite generator for database systems
In this paper, we describe the SPAR Test Suite Generator (STSG), a new test-suite generator for SQL style database systems. This tool produced an entire test suite (data, queries, and ground-truth answers) as a unit and in response to a user's specification. Thus, database evaluators could use this tool to...
Systematic analysis of defenses against return-oriented programming
Since the introduction of return-oriented programming, increasingly compiles defenses and subtle attacks that bypass them have been proposed. Unfortunately the lack of a unifying threat model among code reuse security papers makes it difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of defenses, and answer critical questions about the interoperability, composability, and efficacy...
Continuous security metrics for prevalent network threats - introduction and first four metrics
The goal of this work is to introduce meaningful security metrics that motivate effective improvements in network security. We present a methodology for directly deriving security metrics from realistic mathematical models of adversarial behaviors and systems and also a maturity model to guide the adoption and use of these metrics...
Dedicated vs. distributed: a study of mission survivability metrics
A traditional trade-off when designing a mission critical network is whether to deploy a small, dedicated network of highly reliable links (e.g. dedicated fiber) or a largescale, distributed network of less reliable links (e.g. a leased line over the Internet). In making this decision, metrics are needed that can express...
Virtuoso: narrowing the semantic gap in virtual machine introspection
Introspection has featured prominently in many recent security solutions, such as virtual machine-based intrusion detection, forensic memory analysis, and low-artifact malware analysis. Widespread adoption of these approaches, however, has been hampered by the semantic gap: in order to extract meaningful information about the current state of a virtual machine, detailed...