Using 3D printing to visualize social media big data
Big data volume continues to grow at unprecedented rates. One of the key features that makes big data valuable is the promise to find unknown patterns or correlations that may be able to improve the quality of processes or systems. Unfortunately, with the exponential growth in data, users often have...
Finding focus in the blur of moving-target techniques
Moving-target (MT) techniques seek to randomize system components to reduce the likelihood of a successful attack, add dynamics to a system to reduce the lifetime of an attack, and diversify otherwise homogeneous collections of systems to limit the damage of a large-scale attack. In this article, we review the five...
Authenticated broadcast with a partially compromised public-key infrastructure
Given a public-key infrastructure (PKI) and digital signatures, it is possible to construct broadcast protocols tolerating any number of corrupted parties. Existing protocols, however, do not distinguish between corrupted parties who do not follow the protocol, and honest parties whose secret (signing) keys have been compromised but continue to behave...
Systematic analysis of defenses against return-oriented programming
Since the introduction of return-oriented programming, increasingly compiles defenses and subtle attacks that bypass them have been proposed. Unfortunately the lack of a unifying threat model among code reuse security papers makes it difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of defenses, and answer critical questions about the interoperability, composability, and efficacy...
D4M 2.0 Schema: a general purpose high performance schema for the Accumulo database
Non-traditional, relaxed consistency, triple store databases are the backbone of many web companies (e.g., Google Big Table, Amazon Dynamo, and Facebook Cassandra). The Apache Accumulo database is a high performance open source relaxed consistency database that is widely used for government applications. Obtaining the full benefits of Accumulo requires using...
LLSuperCloud: sharing HPC systems for diverse rapid prototyping
The supercomputing and enterprise computing arenas come from very different lineages. However, the advent of commodity computing servers has brought the two arenas closer than they have ever been. Within enterprise computing, commodity computing servers have resulted in the development of a wide range of new cloud capabilities: elastic computing...
D4M 2.0 Schema: a general purpose high performance schema for the Accumulo database
Non-traditional, relaxed consistency, triple store databases are the backbone of many web companies (e.g., Google Big Table, Amazon Dynamo, and Facebook Cassandra). The Apache Accumulo database is a high performance open source relaxed consistency database that is widely used for government applications. Obtaining the full benefits of Accumulo requires using...
Very large graphs for information extraction (VLG) - summary of first-year proof-of-concept study
In numerous application domains relevant to the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community, data of interest take the form of entities and the relationships between them, and these data are commonly represented as graphs. Under the Very Large Graphs for Information Extraction effort--a one-year proof-of-concept study--MIT LL developed novel...
LLGrid: supercomputer for sensor processing
MIT Lincoln Laboratory is a federally funded research and development center that applies advanced technology to problems of national interest. Research and development activities focus on long-term technology development as well as rapid system prototyping and demonstration. A key part of this mission is to develop and deploy advanced sensor...
Taming biological big data with D4M
The supercomputing community has taken up the challenge of "taming the beast" spawned by the massive amount of data available in the bioinformatics domain: How can these data be exploited faster and better? MIT Lincoln Laboratory computer scientists demonstrated how a new Laboratory-developed technology, the Dynamic Distributed Dimensional Data Model...