DSKE: dynamic set key encryption
In this paper, we present a novel paradigm for studying the problem of group key distribution, use it to analyze existing key distribution schemes, and then present a novel scheme for group key distribution which we call "Dynamic Set Key Encryption," or DSKE. DSKE meets the demands of a tactical...
HPC-VMs: virtual machines in high performance computing systems
The concept of virtual machines dates back to the 1960s. Both IBM and MIT developed operating system features that enabled user and peripheral time sharing, the underpinnings of which were early virtual machines. Modern virtual machines present a translation layer of system devices between a guest operating system and the...
Large scale network situational awareness via 3D gaming technology
Obtaining situational awareness of network activity across an enterprise presents unique visualization challenges. IT analysts are required to quickly gather and correlate large volumes of disparate data to identify the existence of anomalous behavior. This paper will show how the MIT Lincoln Laboratory LLGrid Team has approached obtaining network situational...
Creating a cyber moving target for critical infrastructure applications using platform diversity
Despite the significant effort that often goes into securing critical infrastructure assets, many systems remain vulnerable to advanced, targeted cyber attacks. This paper describes the design and implementation of the Trusted Dynamic Logical Heterogeneity System (TALENT), a framework for live-migrating critical infrastructure applications across heterogeneous platforms. TALENT permits a running...
A usable interface for location-based access control and over-the-air keying in tactical environments
This paper presents a usable graphical interface for specifying and automatically enacting access control rules for applications that involve dissemination of data among mobile tactical devices. A specific motivating example is unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), where the mission planner or operator needs to control the conditions under which specific receivers...
Dedicated vs. distributed: a study of mission survivability metrics
A traditional trade-off when designing a mission critical network is whether to deploy a small, dedicated network of highly reliable links (e.g. dedicated fiber) or a largescale, distributed network of less reliable links (e.g. a leased line over the Internet). In making this decision, metrics are needed that can express...
Efficient transmission of DoD PKI certificates in tactical networks
The DoD vision of real-time information sharing and net-centric services available to warfighters at the tactical edge is challenged by low-bandwidth and high-latency tactical network links. Secured tactical applications require transmission of digital certificates that contribute a major portion of data in most secure sessions, which further increases response time...
Achieving cyber survivability in a contested environment using a cyber moving target
We describe two components for achieving cyber survivability in a contested environment: an architectural component that provides heterogeneous computing platforms and an assessment technology that complements the architectural component by analyzing the threat space and triggering reorientation based on the evolving threat level. Together, these technologies provide a cyber moving...
Creating a cyber moving target for critical infrastructure applications
Despite the significant amount of effort that often goes into securing critical infrastructure assets, many systems remain vulnerable to advanced, targeted cyber attacks. This paper describes the design and implementation of the Trusted Dynamic Logical Heterogeneity System (TALENT), a framework for live-migrating critical infrastructure applications across heterogeneous platforms. TALENT permits...
Information security for situational awareness in computer network defense
Situational awareness - the perception of "what's going on" - is crucial in every field of human endeavor, especially so in the cyber world where most of the protections afforded by physical time and distance are taken away. Since ancient times, military science emphasized the importance of preserving your awareness...