Relating estimated cyclic spectral peak frequency to measured epilarynx length using magnetic resonance imaging
The epilarynx plays an important role in speech production, carrying information about the individual speaker and manner of articulation. However, precise acoustic behavior of this lower vocal tract structure is difficult to establish. Focusing on acoustics observable in natural speech, recent spectral processing techniques isolate a unique resonance with characteristics...
Speaker linking and applications using non-parametric hashing methods
Large unstructured audio data sets have become ubiquitous and present a challenge for organization and search. One logical approach for structuring data is to find common speakers and link occurrences across different recordings. Prior approaches to this problem have focused on basic methodology for the linking task. In this paper...
Speaker recognition using real vs synthetic parallel data for DNN channel compensation
Recent work has shown large performance gains using denoising DNNs for speech processing tasks under challenging acoustic conditions. However, training these DNNs requires large amounts of parallel multichannel speech data which can be impractical or expensive to collect. The effective use of synthetic parallel data as an alternative has been...
Language recognition via sparse coding
Spoken language recognition requires a series of signal processing steps and learning algorithms to model distinguishing characteristics of different languages. In this paper, we present a sparse discriminative feature learning framework for language recognition. We use sparse coding, an unsupervised method, to compute efficient representations for spectral features from a...
The AFRL-MITLL WMT16 news-translation task systems
This paper describes the AFRL-MITLL statistical machine translation systems and the improvements that were developed during the WMT16 evaluation campaign. New techniques applied this year include Neural Machine Translation, a unique selection process for language modelling data, additional out-of-vocabulary transliteration techniques, and morphology generation.
Matching community structure across online social networks
The discovery of community structure in networks is a problem of considerable interest in recent years. In online social networks, often times, users are simultaneously involved in multiple social media sites, some of which share common social relationships. It is of great interest to uncover a shared community structure across...
Analytical models and methods for anomaly detection in dynamic, attributed graphs
This chapter is devoted to anomaly detection in dynamic, attributed graphs. There has been a great deal of research on anomaly detection in graphs over the last decade, with a variety of methods proposed. This chapter discusses recent methods for anomaly detection in graphs,with a specific focus on detection within...
Cross-domain entity resolution in social media
The challenge of associating entities across multiple domains is a key problem in social media understanding. Successful cross-domain entity resolution provides integration of information from multiple sites to create a complete picture of user and community activities, characteristics, and trends. In this work, we examine the problem of entity resolution...
Charting a security landscape in the clouds: data protection and collaboration in cloud storage
This report surveys different approaches to securely storing and sharing data in the cloud based on traditional notions of security: confidentiality, integrity, and availability, with the main focus on confidentiality. An appendix discusses the related notion of how users can securely authenticate to cloud providers. We propose a metric for...
Balancing security and performance for agility in dynamic threat environments
In cyber security, achieving the desired balance between system security and system performance in dynamic threat environments is a long-standing open challenge for cyber defenders. Typically an increase in system security comes at the price of decreased system performance, and vice versa, easily resulting in systems that are misaligned to...