Collaborative Data Analysis and Discovery for Cyber Security
In this paper, we present the Cyber Analyst Real-Time Integrated Notebook Application (CARINA). CARINA is a collaborative investigation system that aids in decision making by co-locating the analysis environment with centralized cyber data sources, and providing next generation analysts with increased visibility to the work of others.
Channel compensation for speaker recognition using MAP adapted PLDA and denoising DNNs
Over several decades, speaker recognition performance has steadily improved for applications using telephone speech. A big part of this improvement has been the availability of large quantities of speaker-labeled data from telephone recordings. For new data applications, such as audio from room microphones, we would like to effectively use existing...
The MITLL NIST LRE 2015 Language Recognition System
In this paper we describe the most recent MIT Lincoln Laboratory language recognition system developed for the NIST 2015 Language Recognition Evaluation (LRE). The submission features a fusion of five core classifiers, with most systems developed in the context of an i-vector framework. The 2015 evaluation presented new paradigms. First...
A vocal modulation model with application to predicting depression severity
Speech provides a potential simple and noninvasive "on-body" means to identify and monitor neurological diseases. Here we develop a model for a class of vocal biomarkers exploiting modulations in speech, focusing on Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) as an application area. Two model components contribute to the envelope of the speech...
BubbleNet: A Cyber Security Dashboard for Visualizing Patterns
The field of cyber security is faced with ever-expanding amounts of data and a constant barrage of cyber attacks. Within this space, we have designed BubbleNet as a cyber security dashboard to help network analysts identify and summarize patterns within the data.
Operational assessment of keyword search on oral history
This project assesses the resources necessary to make oral history searchable by means of automatic speech recognition (ASR). There are many inherent challenges in applying ASR to conversational speech: smaller training set sizes and varying demographics, among others. We assess the impact of dataset size, word error rate and term-weighted...
A fun and engaging interface for crowdsourcing named entities
There are many current problems in natural language processing that are best solved by training algorithms on an annotated in-language, in-domain corpus. The more representative the training corpus is of the test data, the better the algorithm will perform, but also the less likely it is that such a corpus...
Enforced sparse non-negative matrix factorization
Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) is a dimensionality reduction algorithm for data that can be represented as an undirected bipartite graph. It has become a common method for generating topic models of text data because it is known to produce good results, despite its relative simplicity of implementation and ease of...
LLMapReduce: multi-level map-reduce for high performance data analysis
The map-reduce parallel programming model has become extremely popular in the big data community. Many big data workloads can benefit from the enhanced performance offered by supercomputers. LLMapReduce provides the familiar map-reduce parallel programming model to big data users running on a supercomputer. LLMapReduce dramatically simplifies map-reduce programming by providing...
Generating a multiple-prerequisite attack graph
In one aspect, a method to generate an attack graph includes determining if a potential node provides a first precondition equivalent to one of preconditions provided by a group of preexisting nodes on the attack graph. The group of preexisting nodes includes a first state node, a first vulnerability instance...