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High-productivity software development with pMATLAB

Published in:
Comput. Sci. Eng., Vol. 11, No. 1, January/February 2009, pp. 75-79.


In this paper, we explore the ease of tackling a communication-intensive parallel computing task - namely, the 2D fast Fourier transform (FFT). We start with a simple serial Matlab code, explore in detail a ID parallel FFT, and illustrate how it can be extended to multidimensional FFTs.


In this paper, we explore the ease of tackling a communication-intensive parallel computing task - namely, the 2D fast Fourier transform (FFT). We start with a simple serial Matlab code, explore in detail a ID parallel FFT, and illustrate how it can be extended to multidimensional FFTs.


Multicore programming in pMatlab using distributed arrays

Published in:
CLADE '08: Proceedings of the 6th international workshop on Challenges of large applications in distributed environments


Matlab is one of the most commonly used languages for scientific computing with approximately one million users worldwide. Many of the programs written in matlab can benefit from the increased performance offered by multicore processors and parallel computing clusters. The Lincoln pMatlab library ( allows high performance parallel programs to be written quickly using the distributed arrays programming paradigm. This talk provides an introduction to distributed arrays programming and will describe the best programming practices for using distributed arrays to produce programs that perform well on multicore processors and parallel computing clusters. These practices include understanding the concepts of parallel concurrency vs. parallel data locality


Matlab is one of the most commonly used languages for scientific computing with approximately one million users worldwide. Many of the programs written in matlab can benefit from the increased performance offered by multicore processors and parallel computing clusters. The Lincoln pMatlab library ( allows high performance parallel programs to...


The effect of personality type on the usage of a multimedia engineering education system

Published in:
32nd Annual ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conf., 6-9 November 2002, pp. T3A-7 - T3A-12.


Multimedia education has quickly entered our classrooms and offices providing tutorials and lessons on many different topics. The assumption that most people interact with these multimedia systems in similar ways can easily be made, but are these assumptions valid? What factors determine whether students will embrace computer-based multimedia-augmented learning? One factor may be the student's personality type. This paper explores the reasons why some students may enjoy learning using computer-based educational delivery systems while others may have absolutely no enthusiasm for this type of learning and how that enthusiasm may relate to the students' personality types.


Multimedia education has quickly entered our classrooms and offices providing tutorials and lessons on many different topics. The assumption that most people interact with these multimedia systems in similar ways can easily be made, but are these assumptions valid? What factors determine whether students will embrace computer-based multimedia-augmented learning? One...


Improved MTI radar signal processor

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-39


A new type of radar digital signal processor for use with ASR radars is described. It features spectral processing accomplished by combining a 3-pulse canceller with an 8-point, weighted, discrete Fourier transform and adaptive thresholds. This combination of circuits provides a 20-dB increase in MTI improvement factor over present ASR's and is within 2 dB of optimum processing results. An auxiliary channel is provided to allow detection of any target traveling tangentially if its return exceeds the level of ground clutter return in the occupied range/azimuth cell. The spectral processing technique provides discrimination against weather clutter if the returns from weather and from the target fall into different Doppler frequency regions. The output from this equipment is digital hit reports for transmittal to the ARTS-III IOP computer.


A new type of radar digital signal processor for use with ASR radars is described. It features spectral processing accomplished by combining a 3-pulse canceller with an 8-point, weighted, discrete Fourier transform and adaptive thresholds. This combination of circuits provides a 20-dB increase in MTI improvement factor over present ASR's...