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Super-homogenous saturation of microwave-photonic gain in optoeletronic oscillator systems
We show that the saturation characteristic of microwave-photonic gain is "superhomogeneous" such that the gain of a weaker tone saturates more rapidly than that of a stronger tone when both signals are transmitted over an intensity-modulated optical link. Using this gain model, we simulate the effect of nonlinear gain saturation...
High dynamic range suppressed-bias microwave photonic links using unamplified semiconductor laser source
Microwave photonic (MWP) links with a low noise figure and high dynamic range are required for antenna remoting, radio-over-fiber (RoF), and other advanced applications. MWP links have recently been demonstrated with noise figures approaching 3 dB, without any electrical preamplification, by using low-noise high-power laser sources in conjunction with efficient...
Impact of semiconductor optical amplifiers in coherent down-conversion microwave photonic links
We compare the impact of conventional semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) and high linearity slab-coupled optical waveguide amplifiers (SCOWAs) on the SFDR of carrier-suppressed coherent down-conversion microwave photonic links.
Photonic ADC: overcoming the bottleneck of electronic jitter
Accurate conversion of wideband multi-GHz analog signals into the digital domain has long been a target of analog-to-digital converter (ADC) developers, driven by applications in radar systems, software radio, medical imaging, and communication systems. Aperture jitter has been a major bottleneck on the way towards higher speeds and better accuracy...
Compact external-cavity semiconductor mode-locked laser with quantum-well-intermixed modulator and saturable absorber
We demonstrate a slab-coupled optical waveguide external-cavity mode-locked laser having unique bandedges for the amplifier, modulator and saturable absorber elements. An average output power of 50mW and timing jitter of 254fs is achieved at 1.5-GHz.
A photon-counting detector for exoplanet missions
This paper summarizes progress of a project to develop and advance the maturity of photon-counting detectors for NASA exoplanet missions. The project, funded by NASA ROSES TDEM program, uses a 256x256 pixel silicon Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode (GM-APD) array, bump-bonded to a silicon readout circuit. Each pixel independently registers the arrival...
Silicon single photon imaging detectors
Single-photon imaging detectors promise the ultimate in sensitivity by eliminating read noise. These devices could provide extraordinary benefits for photon-starved applications, e.g., imaging exoplanets, fast wavefront sensing, and probing the human body through transluminescence. Recent implementations are often in the form of sparse arrays that have less-than-unity fill factor. For...
Thermally tuned dual 20-channel ring resonator filter bank in SOI (silicon-on-insulator)
Two 20-channel second-order optical filter banks have been fabricated. With tuning, the requirements for a wavelength multiplexed photonic AD-converter (insertion loss 1-3 dB, extinction >30 dB and optical bandwidth 22-27 GHz) are met.
MBE back-illuminated silicon Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes for enhanced ultraviolet response
We have demonstrated a wafer-scale back-illumination process for silicon Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode arrays using Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) for backside passivation. Critical to this fabrication process is support of the thin ( 10 um) detector during the MBE growth by oxide-bonding to a full-thickness silicon wafer. This back-illumination process makes...
Microwave photonic applications of slab-coupled optical waveguide devices
The semiconductor slab-coupled optical waveguide (SCOW) concept is a versatile device platform that has enabled new classes of high-power, low-noise single-frequency lasers, mode-locked lasers, optical amplifiers, and photodiodes for analog optical links and photonic analog-to-digital converters.