Development of automated aviation weather products for ocean/remote regions: scientific and practical challenges, research strategies, and first steps
From the common and recognizable occurrence of convection, to the sporadic and far less visible reach of volcanic ash, meteorological phenomena impose diverse challenges to the efficiency, economic viability, and safety of flight operations across the global oceans. Those challenges are compounded by special difficulties associated with nowcasting and forecasting...
Enhancement to Terminal Doppler Weather Radar to improve aviation weather services
This paper has described work underway to enhance the TDWRs capability to provide wind shear detection services in challenging conditions, and to provide a flexible platform with COTS hardware that would support future improvements. A Radar Data Acquisition (RDA) system retrofit will upgrade the transmitter, receiver and digital signal processing...
En route weather depiction benefits of the NEXRAD vertically integrated liquid water product utilized by the Corridor Integrated Weather System
It is demonstrated in this paper that weather depictions in an operational environment based upon VIL provide more meaningful information for en route traffic routing than a BREF product. VIL precipitation proves advantageous in limiting contamination from Anomalous Propagation (AP) ground clutter, biological targets (e.g., birds and insects), and radar...
Low altitude boyancy wave turbulence - a potential aviation safety threat
Weather comprises one of the most significant safety hazards facing civilian aviation today. This hazard has been significantly reduced by the development and use of microburst wind shear detection technologies such as the Low Level Wind Shear Alert System (LLWAS), the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR), the ASR-9 Weather Systems...
Forecasting convective weather using multi-scale detectors and weather Classification - enhancements to the MIT Lincoln Laboratory Terminal Weather Forecast
Over the past decade the United States has seen drastic increases in air traffic delays resulting in enormous economic loses. Analysis shows that more then 50% of air traffic delays are due to convective weather. In response the FAA has assembled scientific and engineering teams from MIT Lincoln Laboratory, NCAR...
Operational Experience with TDWR/LLWAS-NE Integration at the Dallas, TX International Airport (DFW)
At nine major airports, both the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) and Network Extension of the Low-Level Wind shear Advisory System (LLWAS-NE) data will be used to detect and warn Air Traffic Control (ATC) of dangerous wind shear conditions. The integration of wind shear alerts from the two systems is...
The Corridor Integrated Weather System (CIWS)
The FAA Operational Evolution Plan (OEP) identified en route severe weather as one of the four problems that must be addressed if the US. air transportation system is to alleviate the growing gap between the demand for air transportation and the ability of the system to meet that demand. Convective...
The 2001 demonstration of automated cloud forecast guidance products for San Francisco International Airport
A system for providing cloud prediction guidance to aviation weather forecasters was demonstrated during the summer of 2001. The system was sponsored by the FAA, and developed by MIT Lincoln Laboratory in collaboration with SJSU, the University of Quebec at Montreal, Penn State University, and the Central Weather Service Unit...
Using ORPG to enhance NEXRAD products to support FAA critical systems
The initial release of a new operational open architecture is currently being phased into the national WSR-88D (NEXRAD) radar network. This new Common Operations and Development Environment (CODE) includes the Open Radar Product Generator (ORPG) that replaces the existing NEXRAD Radar Product Generator. The new ORPG includes all the algorithms...
New products for the NEXRAD ORPG to support FAA critical systems
A number of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) critical systems rely on products from the NEXRAD (WSR-88D) suite of algorithms. These systems include MIAWS (Medium Intensity Airport Weather System), ITWS (Integrated Terminal Weather System), CIWS (Corridor Integrated Weather System), and WARP (Weather and Radar Processing). With the advent of the NEXRAD...